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dimecres, 18 de setembre del 2013

Help Catalonia, sense Facebook per una foto de la Policia espanyola amb banderes ultres

| Actualitzat el 18/09/2013 a les 18:46h

L'entitat Help Catalonia, dedicada a explicar el procés sobiranista al món i a la premsa internacional, s'ha quedat sense perfil de Facebook aquest tarda. Segons ha pogut saber Nació Digital, el perfil ha estat clausurat i censurat per la publicació de sengles fotografies que posaven en evidència la connivència d'alguns agents de la policia espanyola amb la ultradreta unionista.

Una de les fotografies mostrava un Policia espanyol amb una bandera espanyola "tunejada" amb símbols ultres. L'altra fotografia retratava uns policies alemanys amb l'estelada. Anna Aroca, una de les responsables ja s'ha queixat a Facebook al que acusa de practicar "censura informativa".

Help Catalonia's Interviews Pekka Palmgren (Finnish TV YLE)

Help Catalonia interviews Finnish journalist Pekka Palmgren from YLE .  He is currently working on a TV-series on Europe broadcasted in 2014 in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark called Vi borde prata om Europa. 

diumenge, 15 de setembre del 2013

Spanish Railways Fail to Sabotage Catalan Way . By Help Catalonia

They tried hard, but they failed.
They did not operate a single additional train, but they failed.
The trains were late, but they failed.
The trains were crowded, but they failed.
The trains were dirty, but they failed
At the stations, no information on train connections was available, but they failed.
No table linking sections of the Catalan Way to train stations was published, but they failed.
We had to sit on the floor, but they failed.
They failed, and we reached our destinations. With our yellow T-shirts, our Catalan flags, our smiles, and our civic spirit intact.
Why Did They Fail?
They failed because the will of a people, united in their determination to secure freedom, was stronger than any obstacles that an artificial state may throw in our way.
They failed because we were ready for them, getting to our destinations with ample time in advance.
They failed because even if we had not got there by train, some way or another, even by foot if necessary, we would have reached our posts.
They failed because history is on our side.
They failed because economic efficiency is in our side, whereas they are a dinosaur.
They failed because they are wrong, and we are right.
A Battle Won
We have won a battle. Not the last one. Many more lie ahead.
Victory, however, is closer. We can feel it, almost touch it. It is there, within our reach.
And, once this war is over, our freedom regained, we shall rebuild our infrastructures.
No More Third-World Trains
No more delayed trains.
No more crowded trains.
No more secret trains traveling to Paris in the middle of the night, with no markings, as if doing something wrong.
No more trains “to the Airport”, as if Catalonia only had one.
No more train stations near a tube station, yet without a physical connection.
No more airport terminals without a train station.
No more need to change trains at the border to travel to France.
No more containers laying in our ports, unable to travel by fast train to the heart of Europe.
No more.
A New Catalonia
We are fighting for a Catalonia connected to the world.
For a Catalonia connected to the European heartland.
We are fighting for a Catalonia with an integrated transport network.
For a Catalonia bringing together railways, roads, subways, ports, and airports.
We are fighting for a Catalonia where taking a train to Paris is so common as not being even worthy of mention.
Where one moves seamlessly from any airport, not “the airport”, to his chosen destination.
We are fighting for a Catalonia able to serve as a first-rate logistics platform for companies.
For a Catalonia able to logistically support NATO operations.
We Shall Prevail
And for these reasons, and many others, the Catalan Way took place today.
And for these reasons, and many others, we shall keep fighting.
And for these reasons, and many others, we shall not desist until we are once again free.
Catalonia is back.
Àlex Calvo
Alex Calvo is a Professor of International Relations and International Law, Head of the IR Department, and Postgraduate Research Director, European University (Barcelona Campus). An expert on Asian security and defence issues, he got his LLB from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London) and is currently doing an MA in Second World War Studies at the University of Birmingham.

dissabte, 7 de setembre del 2013

London: Catalan National Day 09.11.2013 . By Help Catalonia.

ANC London calls on all Catalans and friends of Catalonia in and around London to take part in a demonstration to celebrate the National Day of Catalonia and raise awareness of the strength of the independence process under way in Catalonia. We will meet in Richmond Terrace, Whitehall – across the road from Downing Street – on 11th September, from 7:00pm to 9:30pm.

Catalonia is at a turning point in its history and the Catalan community in the UK can do a lot to raise international awareness of the independence process and to gain support for it. We need the Catalan case to be more visible to the British government and to show, with a big, festive and peaceful event, that the determination of the Catalans is strong and has wide social support.

Please invite everyone you know to this demonstration and bring along Catalan and British flags. Together we’ll make it happen!
ANC London

dilluns, 26 d’agost del 2013

The CNI provided 10 million to "neutralize" the Catalan process

The plan "Horizonte Después" is the secret services report put together in the event that on 25th November Artur Mas and his party obtained 70-72 seats.

"The immediate objective was to neutralize the pro-independence project in Catalonia. For this reason Horizonte Después (Horizon After) was created.” Thus the weekly magazine Interviú reported from the hand of one of the people who knows of a document of more than five hundred pages and that had a budget of 10 million euros.

Always according to Interviú, the report is kept under lock and key in one of the armored chambers of the headquarters of the National Intelligent Centre (CNI), the Spanish Secret Service, and it was coordinated by a "Colonel of the Civil Guard assigned for service and destined in Barcelona," contemplating the day after 25th November in the event Artur Mas and his party obtained between 70-72 seats in Catalan parliament and the plan was to be executed by the Colonel.

According to "Horizonte Después" the project to stop the sovereign process had three phases. The first one was more presence of unionist journalists in the media. The second was to “flood” the Spanish nationalist media publishing in Catalonia with public money. Finally, in third place, it was to “bring out of the wardrobe” dossiers and reports in power of the intelligence services and information of different police bodies.
Source: Nació Digital

Spanish version 

dijous, 22 d’agost del 2013

Catalans in Tokyo join push for liberty : Human Chain on Sunday . By Help Catalonia

Catalonia's national day is held on 11 September, the anniversary of Barcelona's occupation by Spanish troops in 1714. Last year a massive demonstration took place in Barcelona, showing the world that Catalans want to vote in a referendum to regain their sovereignty. This year a human chain will take place. The inspiration comes from the Baltic countries, which held one in 1989 and regained their independence one day later. Catalans living all over the world are also organizing human chains in their cities. In Tokyo it is this Sunday, and the message is: "Join the Catalan Way with Tokyo resident Catalans, this Sunday, August 25th, from 3:30pm in front of Sensoji Temple, Asakusa, Tokyo. Together we'll make history."

Many things link Japan to Catalonia, from the arts to the work ethic, with Catalans always having admired Japan. If you believe in freedom, come and join Catalans on Sunday: Help us make history.

diumenge, 18 d’agost del 2013

MEP Julie Girling Makes It Clear Gibraltar Is Not Alone . By Help Catalonia

A traditional strategy by the common or garden dictators, and their pseudo-democratic heirs, is to try to isolate the territories they covet. Once isolated, they hope that force will prevail, regardless of the will of their population. The latest attempt to blockade Gibraltar just confirms this, with those trying to strike at the livelihood and welfare of the Rock's inhabitants also hoping to give the impression that neither the United Kingdom nor other countries care about the Rock's fate. Fortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. 

As soon as the current escalation began, many all over the UK were quick to react, sending messages of support. The advent of the social media made it much easier for ordinary citizens to make it clear that they would never give in. The government and many leaders, among them the Prime Minister and the Mayor of London, also expressed their determination not to surrender. One of these leaders was
Julie Girling, a member of the European Parliament who serves as Chief Whip of the Conservative MEPs in Strasbourg. 

Writing in her blog, Girling summed up the different ways in which Gibraltar was being harassed. She went further than that though, making it clear that “There has been enough talking, now there must be action”. And, to prove her point, she urged Britons “to consider taking their summer holidays elsewhere this year – Spain is not on our side. Citizens of Gibraltar will not stand for the Spanish bullying and intimidation.” The Phoney War was over, and the aggressors could no longer count on the passivity of the mother country.

While the UK was mobilizing in favour of Gibraltar, the Rock's defiance did not go unnoticed in other quarters. A particular case being Catalonia, linked to the Rock from day one, that is from the landing of a Catalan battalion as part of the Allied contingent in 1704, and also suffering oppression from the same corner. Again, the reaction took place at two levels, ordinary citizens, and political leaders. Like the soldiers storming ashore in Catalan Bay, netizens plunged into the waters of the Internet, filling the social media with messages of support. This was quickly noted by Julie Girling, who, in order to avoid any misunderstanding as to the area covered by her call for a tourism boycott, tweetted “Thank you to all the messages of support for Gibraltar from Catalonia. I encourage my constituents to take their hols with you”. 

Unfortunately Girling's support for the people of Gibraltar and her acknowledgement that Catalonia was also standing behind the Rock did not go unnoticed by the enemies of democracy, and she was “singled out for a series of deeply offensive and racist messages via Email and Twitter”. However, she is not surrendering, and instead she is visiting Gibraltar tomorrow, while making it clear that “Their abuse shows they have no argument as they can only resort to the lowest form of language”. As always, bullying and insults boomerang and damage the cause of those resorting to them. The more abuse at Gibraltar, the fewer the chances of her population ever considering any sort of connection to the neighbouring country. The same applies to Catalonia, every insult just brings closer the recovery of her sovereignty and her exit from that same neighbour. 

Needless to say, the coming months will be most intense. We can expect more trolling. We can expect more bullying. We can expect more queues. We can expect more harassment at sea. We can expect more torched cars and more arrests. The mettle of the Rock's population will be tested, but we can rest assured it will not be found wanting. Gibraltar will show the world that might cannot prevail over right, and that a people united in their determination to be the masters of their destiny will never be defeated by a dictator's heirs who still believe that government can be based on coercion, not consent. The world will be watching, Catalonia will be watching. Those Catalans still afraid will learn a powerful lesson, and as their fear disappears this will be the tipping point. Thus, by resisting aggression, Gibraltar will not only be defeating the current offensive against the Rock, but fatally undermining the resources available for future attacks. Without Catalan taxes at their disposal, the Rock's neighbours will have to concentrate on other, more productive, endeavours. It is thus clear that strong interests bring together Gibraltar and Catalonia, and that they reinforce each other's security and economy.  

Àlex Calvo 

dilluns, 12 d’agost del 2013

Save Catalonia from the Meteorites . by Help Catalonia

Salva Catalunya (Save Catalonia) is new game for smart phones which reached over 1,000 downloads on its first weekend.
This new app, created by MinnkStudio based in Calella, Catalonia, has received very good reviews on the AppStore and Google Play. Salva Catalunya is a groundbreaking and addictive game where the player protects Catalonia from meteorite attacks by shooting at them with a giant slingshot. Some have already called it “the Catalan Angry Birds.”
Salva Catalunya is available for iPhone and Android. There is a a free version which can be downloaded from the App Store and from Google Play. The full version is available for 0.89€.

Direct Link:


dijous, 1 d’agost del 2013

Catalan meeting in Beijing ~ by Help Catalonia

This Sunday August 4th Catalonians in China have a gathering at “Affairs” Bar in Beijing.
The program for this meeting includes:
-Initiation to Continental, learn how to play it.
- Table football tournament.
- Library: Exchange and lending: you can find books in Catalan, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese and other languages.
The Library activity will be held each first Sunday of the month, together with new activities every time!
For more information please check the casal’s website:

dimecres, 31 de juliol del 2013

“Allà on Espanya té un enemic nosaltres tenim un aliat potencial”

A la majoria, el seu nom ens és indiferent, tot i que sovint llegim el que esbomba en cinc llengües més enllà de les nostres fronteres. Jordi Vàzquez (Barcelona 1971) és l’editor de Help Catalonia, un web i una comunitat de voluntaris fundada al 2010 per sis persones que piulaven en anglès en defensa del dret a l’autodeterminació de Catalunya. D’usuaris de Twitter van passar a convertir-se en una plataforma digital ─amb una extensa xarxa de col·laboradors─  que explica al món què passa entre Catalunya i Espanya en anglès, francès, alemany, italià i espanyol. Segur que n’heu sentit a parlar!   Meritxell Doncel (@m_doncel) / Periodista i Advocada

Jordi Vàzquez, editor i cofundador de 'Help Catalonia

Qui hi ha darrere de Help Catalonia?
Voluntariat. Ara som més de 60 voluntaris col·laborant-hi.

I no hi ha cap partit al darrere?
Cap ni un. Refusem posicionaments polítics, som un moviment transversal, i tampoc volem ajuts externs. Això ens està limitant perquè si disposéssim de recursos econòmics el missatge seria més potent i podríem fer més campanyes internacionals. Potser estudiarem la possibilitat de demanar microdonacions a la ciutadania.

Què interessa a la premsa internacional del procés català?
Les amenaces espanyoles. Que un Estat prohibeixi la voluntat democràtica d’un poble és notícia perquè feia més de mig segle que no passava a l’Europa occidental. Els interessa, per exemple, la legitimació de la violència per part del vicepresident del Parlament Europeu, la supremacia lingüística, la intervenció brutal de l’Estat espanyol a Catalunya, la impunitat amb què es va assassinar a Guillem Agulló o que dotze jutges retallessin l’Estatut aprovat democràticament. El que menys interessa és l’espoli fiscal. De fet, la premsa internacional creu que l’espoli va començar amb la crisi.

Per què no interessa l’espoli?
Perquè pensen que no és una qüestió que justifiqui una secessió. Però és que tampoc és cert que el conflicte entre Espanya i Catalunya sigui per l’espoli fiscal!

Teniu contacte amb els corresponsals estrangers que informen des de Madrid?
Menys del que voldríem perquè la seva voluntat, en general, no és escoltar les dues parts. S’ha de tenir molt valor per escriure sobre Catalunya des de Madrid, sobretot quan el missatge de la premsa espanyola és unànime. Els seus articles són els que llegeix el corresponsal i els que, sovint, copia. Per anar-hi i influir-hi ens caldrien recursos. De moment, per la Diada atendrem equips de premsa estrangera que ja han contactat amb nosaltres.

Quina batalla heu guanyat?
Sobretot, la de la terminologia. Hem introduït termes en cinc llengües que han quallat a fora i comencen a ser utilitzats en alguns diaris, com ara ‘unionisme’ i ‘terrorisme espanyol’.

Quins països i regions són més favorables al procés?
Gibraltar ho és molt i és el nostre pont d’entrada a Londres. Entre els que són més favorables també destaquen Escòcia, Irlanda, Kosovo, Polònia i els Estats Units ─on l’espanyolisme està molt mal posicionat i molts Estats no admeten l’oficialitat de l’espanyol─. Cada cop tenim més simpaties.

L’Estat espanyol s’ho ha pres prou seriosament?
No hem de cometre l’error de menystenir l’enemic, és un adversari brutal que es pot gastar 25 milions d’euros en dos helicòpters militars, cosa que, per cert, no agrada gens als alemanys. Això és una batalla de David contra Goliat però amb pocs recursos els podem tombar perquè no han cercat complicitats, la diplomàcia espanyola és molt arrogant. Allà on Espanya té un enemic nosaltres tenim un aliat potencial. I en tenen molts!

Esteu al punt de mira dels serveis d’espionatge espanyols?
Prenen mesures perquè, si ho estem, no ens afecti. Help Catalonia està fora del Regne d’Espanya i, per tant, podrà funcionar autònomament en el cas que decideixin ocupar militarment Catalunya.

Com pot col·laborar un ciutadà amb Help Catalonia?
Al nostre web hi ha un formulari on hi poden deixar les dades, que són tractades de forma confidencial, i explicar-nos les aptituds que tenen per determinar en quin camp poden ser més útils a la causa.

Twitter i les noves plataformes digitals han fet visible un crit que estava silenciat?
Absolutament, han estat claus.

El català pot ser, doncs, el primer procés independentista 2.0?
És una bona definició. Certament, el 2.0 ha dinamitat l’estructura clàssica de les organitzacions polítiques. I a Catalunya, a diferència d’Escòcia, hi ha molts moviments independentistes no organitzats que aprofiten les xarxes socials.

Quin camp queda per explorar?
Les grans campanyes d’agitació internacionals. Calen accions contundents per cercar simpaties perquè les manifestacions i les cadenes humanes s’acabaran esgotant. La nostra màxima és fer amics arreu del món, de tots els bàndols, per tenir el suport necessari quan arribi el moment. Fem diplomàcia civil perquè l’independentisme català pateix certa arrogància i, històricament, no ha cercat complicitats.

dilluns, 29 de juliol del 2013

Help Catalonia : The Catalan Way also abroad

If you follow Help Catalonia, you must be aware of the human chain for independence that the Catalan National movement is preparing for the upcoming September 11: 1 , 2. This initiative will be the second mass participation event organized by the Catalan people after last year’s demonstration, when one and a half million people took to the streets of Barcelona to demand the constitution of an independent Catalan state. This time, hundreds of thousands of Catalans will join their hands to form a vast human chain across the country, from north to south, following the Catalan coastline. The initiative has 144,000 volunteers for the moment. Help Catalonia is informing in five languages simultaneously about the event.

But that’s not all:. Between August 15 and September 11, the
ANC Catalan Foreign Assemblies are organizing the International Catalan Way, small scale replicas of the human chain in Catalonia in the main cities of the world. So you might be able to join them very soon just around the corner where you live. This will be a unique event to celebrate freedom and solidarity.

The images recorded in the events held until September 3 will be edited in a video that the ANC will use to promote the Catalan Way, to encourage participation, and to internationalise the issue of Catalan self-determination, seeking the support and complicity of other countries. If you would like to be part of Catalan history and join your hands with your Catalan neighbours and friends, just fill out the registration form.

Below you will find a list of locations with the International Catalan Way events that have already been confirmed. But there are many more being prepared in other places of the world. (Please note that all events will be held between August 15 and September 11. The date for each will be communicated directly on your email).

Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Brisbane (Australia)
Melbourne (Australia)
Sydney (Australia), September 1, Opera House
Brussels (Belgium), September 1, Atomium
Santiago de Chile (Chile), August 31, Cerro San Cristobal
London (England)
Manchester (England), August 31, Catalan Square
Paris (France), September 2, Champs de Mars – Tour Eiffel
Dublin (Ireland), September 1, General Post Office (GPO) O’connell Street
Luxemburg City (Luxembourg), September 7, Hêlle Fra
Edinburgh (Scotland)
Lausanne (Switzerland)
Zurich (Switzerland)
Los Angeles (USA), August 28, Grifith Park
New York City (USA), August 31, Times Square

If you can’t find the city of your choice in the list, let the, know where you are in their
registration form and they will contact you with further information or send an email to 

dissabte, 27 de juliol del 2013

Spain has still enough money to pay for the holidays of military personnel ~ by Help Catalonia

The Spanish Government keeps raising taxes, cutting down the investments in R+D, education, health and all kind of social services. The middle class is struggling more and more every day. Poverty is on the rise. However, Spain has still enough money to pay for the holidays of selected military personnel. 

Pere Aragonès

The MP, Pere Aragonès, member of the Left Republican Party of Catalonia (ERC) has denounced that up to 219,680.31 Euros of public funds coming from the taxpayers will be used to pay for holiday apartments of the Spanish military personnel to make sure they’re relaxed and ready just in case they are needed for a military action in Catalonia. This is just another example of misuse of the citizen taxes that is leading Spain to economic collapse.  

dimarts, 23 de juliol del 2013

The British Prime Minister has bad news for Spain: forget about a coup ~ by Help Catalonia

Help Catalonia among others was quick to report the insults that Jose Manuel Sanchez Fornet directed at the Catalan people after, once more, the Spanish anthem was booed. This time after a race at Catalunya Circuit, in Montmelo, on 16 June. Sanchez Fornet is the secretary general of one of the main Spanish police trade unions, the Unified Police Trade Union [SUP]. He posted his insults on Twitter, and later followed them up with further offensive tweets.

Although initial reports focused on the exact working of his insults, and on the aggravating circumstance that they came from a senior police trade unionist, we should ask ourselves whether it was the booing of the Spanish anthem which really tells the whole story. Of course, for Spanish nationalists seeing slaves in their milking cow colony reject the imposition of alien political rule is painful in and by itself. However, is that all? Or has something happened over the last few days that is making them feel even more frustrated?.

The answer lies in the valiant words by British Prime Minister David Cameron last week, when he warned Spain that it was time to acknowledge Catalan demands and let the people speak. Nothing new for Great Britain, of course, recently in March the Falklands held a referendum where they made it very clear that they had no intention of surrendering to the common or garden dictators. A shock for Spain, though, where democracy is a plant with shallow roots, and the notion of a people democratically deciding their destiny a revolutionary concept.

Until recently, many Spaniards hoped that as a last resort they could always use force, as they had done so often in the past. While some publicly threatened Catalan Prime Minister Mas with prison or execution, others were more discreet but still made it clear that they were ready to use the police and the military to prevent Catalonia from resuming their sovereignty. Tellingly, the Spanish Government has repeatedly refused to rule out a coup.

Well, David Cameron has bad news for Spain: forget about it.

Let us say it again, to make sure everybody understands: Dear Spain, forget about using force against Catalonia. Make your case, try to democratically convince Catalans to stay (in case you can think of any argument against independence, rather a tall order I am afraid), and should you fail in that endeavour, say goodbye to Catalonia. It is not us saying this, it is the prime minister of the United Kingdom. A first-rate power, with a seat at the UN Security Council, and one of the recognized nuclear weapons states.

For a third time, Great Britain is deterring Spain

Now, what makes us be so sure? What if Spaniards simply ignore David Cameron's warning and open fire against civilians? Well, history seems to point out that no matter how much they bark, at the end of the day they behave. During the Second World War they were tempted, deeply tempted, to join Hitler. They knew, however, that Great Britain and her allies would ultimately prevail. So they bit their tongue and behaved. Yes, they sent a division to the Eastern Front, but they did not have what it takes to join in the attack against Great Britain. Then, some decades later, in 1982, they provided diplomatic support to the common or garden dictators. Spain was one of the countries with the dubious honour of voting against UNSC Resolution 502, and was clearly following events in the South Atlantic to gauge British resolve to defend freedom and democracy in Gibraltar. When Spanish police detected a terrorist squad from Argentina, bound for the Rock, Madrid hesitated, but once more was successfully deterred. They were not arrested and handed over to Great Britain, as any civilized country would have done, but instead of letting them proceed they were put on a plane back to their country. For a second time, Great Britain had successfully deterred Spanish nationalists.

Freedom never comes free, we shall do our duty and some will never come home

Now, for a third time, London is telling Madrid to keep her hands in her pockets. This fact, and the realization that a coup is no longer possible, is what is eating at Mr Sanchez Fornet's heart. It is not just seeing people march for independence, but being aware that he will not be able to shoot them. It is the realization that he will not be able to commit war crimes to keep the slaves under control. Therefore, let us thank Great Britain, brace ourselves for increased tensions and even harsher words from our beloved neighbours, and keep working for our children's future. And, once we rejoin the concert of free nations, let us make sure we fully comply with our duties. Freedom never comes free, and just as we now enjoy the fruits of British preemptive intervention, let us never forget that the time will soon come when Catalan and British soldiers will be fighting side by side in some far away field. Some will never come home.

Alex Calvo is a Professor of International Relations and International Law, Head of the IR Department, and Postgraduate Research Director, European University (Barcelona Campus). An expert on Asian security and defence issues, he got his LLB from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London) and is currently doing an MA in Second World War Studies at the University of  Birmingham. He is a former teaching and research fellow at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan).

dilluns, 22 de juliol del 2013

European Parliament report for Minorized Languages by Help Catalonia

The Culture Committee of the European Parliament has approved a report urging the European Commission to promote, from early educational levels, the learning of the minority languages ​​threatened with extinction, among them Catalan, after it has incorporated an amendment presented by MEP Ramon Tremosa.
In addition, the report recognises multilingualism 'as a richness and an expression of the European diversity' and requests funding for the period 2014-2020 to support endangered languages. The report also considers that multilingual societies which are cohesive and manage their linguistic diversity in a democratic and sustainable way, contribute to plurality, are more open and are in better conditions to contribute to the richness that represents linguistic diversity.


Informe del Parlament Europeu de Llengües minoritzades

el dilluns, juliol 22, 2013

La Comissió de Cultura del Parlament Europeu ha aprovat un informe instant a la Comissió Europea per promoure, des dels primers nivells educatius, l'aprenentatge de les llengües minoritàries en perill d'extinció, entre ells el català, després que s'ha incorporat una esmena presentada per l'eurodiputat Ramon Tremosa .
A més, l'informe reconeix el plurilingüisme "com una riquesa i una expressió de la diversitat europea" i demana finançament per al període 2014-2020 a favor de les llengües en perill d'extinció. L'informe també considera que les societats multilingües que siguin coherents i gestionar la diversitat lingüística d'una manera democràtica i sostenible, contribueixen a la pluralitat, són més oberts i estan en millors condicions de contribuir a la riquesa que representa la diversitat lingüística. 

dimarts, 16 de juliol del 2013

HELP CATALONIA : Catalan Society of Sociolinguistics: "This is a political offensive against the use of Catalan"

The Catalan Society of Sociolinguistics (SOCS), a subsidiary of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, has issued a statement regarding the "political offensive against the use of Catalan by the authorities of the Kingdom of Spain" urging the international scientific community to request the UNESCO and the Council of Europe " investigate and, where appropriate, formally condemn the policies that clearly seek to harm the Catalan-speaking community." The SOCS sends this statement to international scientific societies and journals so that they help disseminate it.

Declaration in relation to the political offensive against the use of Catalan by the
authorities of the Kingdom of Spain.

The SOCS is a scientific society that brings together scholars in sociolinguistics from
the Catalan-speaking territories. As such, we have felt that it is our duty to inform the
scientific community that the Kingdom of Spain is in breach of several international
treaties that concern the protection and respect of cultural and linguistic diversity as
well as minority language rights, especially in relation to the Catalan language.
This statement is sent for informative purposes to international scientific societies and
journals so that they contribute to disseminate the information and also manifest their
concern to international organizations and bodies devoted to the safeguard of human
rights and cultural heritage.

1. New linguistic persecution in Spain
Several public institutions of the Kingdom of Spain have launched a political offensive
against the Catalan language. The offensive is led by the central government, the
regional governments of Aragon, the Balearic Islands and Valencia, as well as some
municipalities. In all cases, these policies and the various legislative and administrative
initiatives are carried out by the Popular Party, which is one of Spains’ two major
parties in both the central government and in most autonomous regions and local
In the Balearic Islands and Valencia, where the Catalan language is compulsory in
education, the regional governments now promote a Catalan-Spanish-English trilingual
model intended to disrupt the use of Catalan as a medium of instruction in many
schools. The Balearic government is exerting pressure on teachers and parents to
increase the use of Spanish in the classroom. It has also recently eliminated the
requirement of proficiency in Catalan to work in the regional administration. The
Valencian regional government pursues the same objective through passive resistance: it
presently dispenses only 25% of the demand by families who demand an education in
Catalan to which they are entitled to by law.
However, the aspect that displays more blatantly the political intention to undermine the
teaching and use of Catalan is the concerted strategy to promote divergent linguistic
varieties. In Valencia, the regional government has for years treated "Valencian" as a
separate language to the point of banning the use of the term "Catalan" in different
contexts and not recognizing university degrees in "Catalan Philology" awarded by
Valencian universities or certificates of knowledge of the Catalan language issued by
other authorities and schools. On 19 June 2013, the parliamentary Popular group in the
Valencian Parliament presented a proposal urging the Real Academia Española to
change the definition of "valenciano" in its dictionary, arguing that it is a language
separate from Catalan. In the Balearic Islands, the regional government has declared the
intention to scrutinize textbooks to include “Balearic” colloquialisms. In Aragon, the
parliament has just passed a language law that proposes a new name for the Catalan
http: / /blogs. iec. cat/socs/
C/ Carme 47 08001 Barcelona
"Lengua Aragonesa Propia del Área Oriental” ‘Eastern Aragonese Language’. This
initiative has resulted in concerted protests among linguists and scholars from around
the world1.
In 2007, the regional government of Valencia illegally decreed the closure of the
broadcasts of TV3, the most widely watched Catalan television channel, in its territory.
Currently, the Spanish Parliament is processing a state-wide educational reform bill that
aims to marginalize Catalan from the curriculum in the regions where it is currently on
an equal official footing with Spanish (in Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands)2.
In Valencia and Aragon, right-wing agitation groups have a long tradition of sabotages
to local cultural and political organizations, and assaults and threats to writers and
Catalan activists. In recent years reports of police harassment by citizens who claim
false accusations and threats for speaking Catalan have increased. In none of these cases
policemen have been sanctioned by the Spanish judicial authorities, which extends
amongst the population an impression of having no effective legal protection.

2. The international community on the situation

dijous, 11 de juliol del 2013

Help Catalonia : The ANC wants the Catalan Way to be the precursor of independence

The so-called Via Catalana (Catalan Way) will travel across Catalonia's coast, going through 86 villages and towns. The human chain will exceed 400 kilometres (248.55 miles).
The Catalan Way towards independence was presented by the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), which is the main driving force of the human chain that will expand across Catalonia on September 11th. The political goal of this act is to accelerate the call for the popular referendum and to internationalize the Catalans’ will, making the human chain the precursor of independence. 
The president of the ANC, Carme Forcadell, explained that "the demonstration of last September 11th was perfect" and that "this year, a step forward is needed." "The Catalan Way is a political and logistical challenge," she added. Forcadell stressed that “the Catalan Way represents the unity of the people in favour of the independence of Catalonia" and demanded that the Catalans are allowed to "vote for independence in a referendum as soon as possible."
The route will go across Catalonia's coast from Alcanar to el Pertús and will allow people from the rest of the Catalan Countries and from the whole world to join the chain. The human chain will exceed 400 kilometres and will cross 86 villages and towns. The Catalan Way has been inspired by the Baltic Way, a human chain that connected Vilnius to Tallinn via Riga in 1989, being the precursor of the independence of the Baltic States.

dimecres, 10 de juliol del 2013

Help Catalonia - "On tour"

Miquel Femenia will set off on a very special trip: a very long crossing by bike starting from the North Cape in Norway that will take him back home to Catalonia. What's more, he is going to do it alone and will take with him a placard written in several languages and also Help Catalonias QR code in order to spread the Catalan process towards independence on the way. He is sure he will enjoy his trip and looks forward to replying to many questions from the people he will meet.

-     How did this project come about?
-     I wanted to visit Norway long ago. But it was only two years ago that I started on my cycling trips, so I thought going up to Cape North would be a nice challenge as then I only have to try and get back to Barcelona.

-     What is the aim of the trip?
-     Enjoying myself by having a cycling trip across Europe, visiting beautiful Norway and probably losing some weight in the process.

-     How is daily life going to be? Are you taking anyone else with you? Will you have any support if necessary?
-     I will do it all alone without anybodys support and if I have any problems I will have to deal with them somehow Last summer I was cycling alone in Mongolia but I avoided any risks and my bike only had two punctures and I was lucky some friendly Chinese companions helped fix the tyres. That was a Chinese bike I have to say. Last Christmas I went to Andalusia and they stole my bike and all my equipment (tent, sleeping bag, etc.) in Cordoba. As usual, I will only have the emotional support from my sweetheart and friends.

-     Why did you choose a cycling trip across Europe?
-     Because a bike trip is cheaper and I can afford it. I would not be able to pay for the all the hotel bills and other expenses for more than a week. But there is also another reason which Frank Van Rijn, a cycle-tourism pioneer with more than 600.000 km experience, can tell so nicely. A bike is fast enough to make you feel you are really moving on and it is slow enough to let you enjoy everything around you: landscape, people, etc.

-     What helped you decide on the route?
-     See, the route is not well established at all. I will start from the North Cape and then I will just cycle my way down If there is a long spell of rain or if I get very tired, maybe I will get on a train. Or I'll avoid the most rainy areas.

-     Why do you have a multilingual placard?
-     I will cross several countries and I want people to understand what is going on in Catalonia and what we want. We do need international support to succeed in this process. I am not at ease carrying flags and calling peoples attention but I hope many people will see me and   will be interested in deciphering the QR code just to know what it is about.

-     Why are you taking Help Catalonias QR code with you?
-     Just because it has got all the information I would like to spread in English or French, etc.

-     What are your expectations for the trip?
-     To fulfil my aims: enjoying a cycling trip across Europe and getting people to ask me about the QR code and the Catalan process towards independence.

Interview by Txell Parera