dissabte, 7 de setembre del 2013

London: Catalan National Day 09.11.2013 . By Help Catalonia.

ANC London calls on all Catalans and friends of Catalonia in and around London to take part in a demonstration to celebrate the National Day of Catalonia and raise awareness of the strength of the independence process under way in Catalonia. We will meet in Richmond Terrace, Whitehall – across the road from Downing Street – on 11th September, from 7:00pm to 9:30pm.

Catalonia is at a turning point in its history and the Catalan community in the UK can do a lot to raise international awareness of the independence process and to gain support for it. We need the Catalan case to be more visible to the British government and to show, with a big, festive and peaceful event, that the determination of the Catalans is strong and has wide social support.

Please invite everyone you know to this demonstration and bring along Catalan and British flags. Together we’ll make it happen!
ANC London
