dilluns, 26 d’agost del 2013

The CNI provided 10 million to "neutralize" the Catalan process

The plan "Horizonte Después" is the secret services report put together in the event that on 25th November Artur Mas and his party obtained 70-72 seats.

"The immediate objective was to neutralize the pro-independence project in Catalonia. For this reason Horizonte Después (Horizon After) was created.” Thus the weekly magazine Interviú reported from the hand of one of the people who knows of a document of more than five hundred pages and that had a budget of 10 million euros.

Always according to Interviú, the report is kept under lock and key in one of the armored chambers of the headquarters of the National Intelligent Centre (CNI), the Spanish Secret Service, and it was coordinated by a "Colonel of the Civil Guard assigned for service and destined in Barcelona," contemplating the day after 25th November in the event Artur Mas and his party obtained between 70-72 seats in Catalan parliament and the plan was to be executed by the Colonel.

According to "Horizonte Después" the project to stop the sovereign process had three phases. The first one was more presence of unionist journalists in the media. The second was to “flood” the Spanish nationalist media publishing in Catalonia with public money. Finally, in third place, it was to “bring out of the wardrobe” dossiers and reports in power of the intelligence services and information of different police bodies.
Source: Nació Digital

Spanish version
