dimecres, 10 de juliol del 2013

Help Catalonia - "On tour"

Miquel Femenia will set off on a very special trip: a very long crossing by bike starting from the North Cape in Norway that will take him back home to Catalonia. What's more, he is going to do it alone and will take with him a placard written in several languages and also Help Catalonias QR code in order to spread the Catalan process towards independence on the way. He is sure he will enjoy his trip and looks forward to replying to many questions from the people he will meet.

-     How did this project come about?
-     I wanted to visit Norway long ago. But it was only two years ago that I started on my cycling trips, so I thought going up to Cape North would be a nice challenge as then I only have to try and get back to Barcelona.

-     What is the aim of the trip?
-     Enjoying myself by having a cycling trip across Europe, visiting beautiful Norway and probably losing some weight in the process.

-     How is daily life going to be? Are you taking anyone else with you? Will you have any support if necessary?
-     I will do it all alone without anybodys support and if I have any problems I will have to deal with them somehow Last summer I was cycling alone in Mongolia but I avoided any risks and my bike only had two punctures and I was lucky some friendly Chinese companions helped fix the tyres. That was a Chinese bike I have to say. Last Christmas I went to Andalusia and they stole my bike and all my equipment (tent, sleeping bag, etc.) in Cordoba. As usual, I will only have the emotional support from my sweetheart and friends.

-     Why did you choose a cycling trip across Europe?
-     Because a bike trip is cheaper and I can afford it. I would not be able to pay for the all the hotel bills and other expenses for more than a week. But there is also another reason which Frank Van Rijn, a cycle-tourism pioneer with more than 600.000 km experience, can tell so nicely. A bike is fast enough to make you feel you are really moving on and it is slow enough to let you enjoy everything around you: landscape, people, etc.

-     What helped you decide on the route?
-     See, the route is not well established at all. I will start from the North Cape and then I will just cycle my way down If there is a long spell of rain or if I get very tired, maybe I will get on a train. Or I'll avoid the most rainy areas.

-     Why do you have a multilingual placard?
-     I will cross several countries and I want people to understand what is going on in Catalonia and what we want. We do need international support to succeed in this process. I am not at ease carrying flags and calling peoples attention but I hope many people will see me and   will be interested in deciphering the QR code just to know what it is about.

-     Why are you taking Help Catalonias QR code with you?
-     Just because it has got all the information I would like to spread in English or French, etc.

-     What are your expectations for the trip?
-     To fulfil my aims: enjoying a cycling trip across Europe and getting people to ask me about the QR code and the Catalan process towards independence.

Interview by Txell Parera
