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dijous, 23 de novembre del 2023

The European Parliament official who works for the PP and is up in arms against Spain’s amnesty law





The head of unit of the European Parliament's Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments also serves as president of the PP in Belgium and has protested alongside Dolors Montserrat against Spain's amnesty law 


El cas d’un alt funcionari espanyol al Parlament Europeu que treballa per al PP i es revolta contra l’amnistia





Josep Casulleras Nualart 

23.11.2023 - 00:22

Actualització: 23.11.2023 - 10:36



On Sunday the 12th, the European Parliament became the backdrop of a demonstration, led by several Spanish MEP, against the proposed amnesty law for Catalan pro-independence leaders. A few dozen demonstrators attended, led by PP MEP Dolors Montserrat, while Ciutadans MEP Maite Pagazaurtundua also stood in the front row. Among those present were Spanish officials working in the European Parliament. One of them, Jesús Gómez Martínez, stood out in particular, standing in front of the banner and remaining next to Dolors Montserrat at all times. As head of unit of the Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments, Gómez Martínez is not just another official: rather, he holds a prominent position within the management structure of the European Parliament. Since March, moreover, he has also served Secretary General of the PP in Belgium. His participation in a demonstration against the agreement for a law which has the support of the majority of the Spanish congress, however, seems to compromise his duty of political independence, neutrality and discretion — one enshrined in the European Parliament’s code of conduct and in the regulations for its officials.

After the demonstration, Dolors Montserrat posted some photographs on her Twitter account with the following message: “We are demonstrating in Brussels against the PSOE’s amnesty law and their trampling on the rule of law”. In some of these photographs, Gómez –wearing a black jacket, jeans and holding a sheet of paper in his hands– can be seen next to the MEP.




Gómez Martínez also appears on some of the videos the EFE agency published of the demonstration:

dimarts, 15 de novembre del 2022

La democràcia no existeix






"Podeu ser majoria i votar fins a afartar-vos, podeu ser els demòcrates més excelsos del món mundial (...). Tot això, no us serveix per res. Sereu "rojigualdos" a cop de constitució o a cop de pal"




dijous, 28 d’abril del 2022

Editorial Vicent Partal : Que què podia fer Espanya, diu?






La pregunta retòrica de la ministra Robles té una reposta simple: hauria pogut fer com fan la majoria d'estats del món



Margarita Robles visitant una unitat militar (fotografia: J. J. Guillén).



 27.04.2022 - 21:50 


Per a justificar l’espionatge contra la classe política independentista catalana, Margarita Robles, ministra espanyola dels militars i responsable del CNI, es preguntava ahir en veu alta què havia de fer Espanya arran d’un referèndum d’autodeterminació a Catalunya i la proclamació de la independència.


Bé, doncs simplement hauria pogut fer com el govern del Sudan, que el 2005 va signar els acords de Naivasha, en què reconegué les aspiracions sobiranes del Sudan del Sud i obrí pas al referèndum del 2011.


O hauria pogut fer com el govern d’Etiòpia, que va acceptar que una missió de l’ONU verificàs el referèndum de l’any 1993 pel qual Eritrea es va convertir en estat independent.


Hauria pogut fer també un pacte internacional com el que va conduir Namíbia a redactar una constitució que certificà