Updated Aug 12th, 2015
Article aparegut el 7 d'Agost del 2015 a German Foreign Policy : Un plebiscit no oficial.
BARCELONA (Informe de pròpia) - Els estaments alemanys estàn enviant
senyals mixtes en reacció a l'anunci d'un plebiscit no oficial sobre la
secessió de Catalunya d'Espanya. El primer ministre català Artur Mas ha
convocat pel 27 de setembre les eleccions regionals d'un plebiscit de
facto sobre la secessió de la regió. En cas que la seva aliança asseguri
la majoria absoluta, es proclamarà la independència d'Espanya dins de 8
mesos. En el passat, Alemanya ha donat suport repetidament a la
secessió catalana. Think Tanks influents alemanys estan exigint que la
secessió no s'obstrueixi. No obstant això, hi ha una oposició creixent
des de dins dels cercles de negocis. Catalunya és un lloc central per a
les empreses alemanyes a Espanya. Compromès en el comerç a tot Espanya,
que no volen veure que les seves possibilitats de negoci es limiten a
una regió i la secessió entre Barcelona i Madrid podria possiblement ser
un obstacle. Segons els assessors del Govern alemany, d'altra banda,
aquests problemes podrien ser resolts. Alguns economistes sostenen que
la moneda de la Unió Europea, l'euro, pot, a llarg termini, només
mantenir-se dins d'un espai econòmic uniforme. Això exclouria Espanya,
però inclouria una Catalunya separada, la zona econòmica més forta a la
península Ibèrica.
L'establiment alemany ha estat enviant senyals mixtes recentment en resposta a la secessió planejada de Catalunya. En el passat, la República Federal d'Alemanya ha promogut sistemàticament el separatisme català. Per exemple, Catalunya va ser rebut com "convidat d'honor" - sense precedents per a una regió - a la Fira del Llibre de Frankfurt el 2007, un gest simbòlic molt eficaç, i una festa per als secessionistes. (German-foreign-policy.com informar. [1]) Fa dos anys, l'alemany Institut finançat per la Cancelleria d'Afers Internacionals i de Seguretat (SWP) va posar públicament en dubte la integritat territorial d'Espanya. Segons el document del PST, la UE podria "arribar al punt on una separació negociada és preferible a una situació d'inestabilitat permanent". [2] L'any passat el Consell Alemany de Relacions Exteriors (DGAP) secundat aquesta opinió en un breu anàlisi . Fins i tot si la secessió de Catalunya pogués generar problemes, això no vol dir que la regió "ha de romandre per sempre una part d'Espanya", segons l'anàlisi de la DGAP. Madrid "ha de treballar per aconseguir un acord" que "no descarta un nou Estat." [3] El suport als secessionistes correspon a una vella tradició política exterior alemanya de tractar d'afeblir potencials nacions rivals, fins i tot sense dubtar a utilitzar el xovinisme ètnic per destruir la seva cohesió territorial . [4]
Per a més informació sobre aquest tema: Lluita Idioma , Europa ètnic , El Model ètnic alemany (IV) , Borderland Xarxes i L'Estat Federal - Una pèrdua de Decisions de Negocis (II) .
[1] Vegeu Lluita Idioma i Europa ètnic .
[2] Kai-Olaf Lang: Katalonien auf dem Weg in die Unabhängigkeit? Der Schlüssel liegt a Madrid. SWP-Aktuell 50 d'agost de 2013.
[3] Cale Salih: Onatge separatista de Catalunya. DGAPkompakt nº 12, octubre de 2014.
[4] Veure Minderheitenrechte , l'ALS Der Zentralstaat Minusgeschäft i Hintergrundbericht: Die Föderalistische Unió Europäischer Volksgruppen .
[5] dynamisch sich Katalonien zeigt und generiert einen Mehrwert für die Europäische Wirtschaft. . Www.cataloniavotes.eu 2014.05.14
[6] Veure L'Estat Federal - Una pèrdua de Decisions de Negocis (II) .
[7] Karin Finkenzeller: Der Preis der Freiheit. www.zeit.de 06/16/2014.
[8] Susanne Gratius, Kai-Olaf Lang: Das Katalanische Laberint. SWP-Aktuell 5, gener 2015.
[9] Roland Vaubel: Katalonien und das Recht auf Sezession. www.anc-deutschland.cat Oktober 2014. Respecte Vaubel veure Bruche im Establiment (II) .
[10] Werner Abelshauser: Politische Unió bedroht deutsche Wirtschaftsinteressen. www.cicero.de 07/22/2012. "Bruchstellen mit auch nicht zu Milliarden gatet". Westfalen-Blatt 07/14/2012. Veure Wirtschaftskulturen .
Aquí tenen l'article original en anglès : http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/en/fulltext/58870#top
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Un informe alemany afirma que el govern de Merkel pot voler Catalunya a l’Eurozona i a Espanya fora
An Unofficial Plebiscite
(Own report) - The German establishment is sending
mixed signals in reaction to the announcement of an unofficial
plebiscite on Catalonia's secession from Spain. Catalan Prime Minister
Artur Mas has declared the September 27 regional elections a de facto
plebiscite on the region's secession. Should his alliance secure the
absolute majority, he will proclaim independence from Spain within 8
months. In the past, Germany had repeatedly supported Catalan secession.
Influential German think tanks are demanding that secession not be
obstructed. However, there is opposition rising from within business
circles. Catalonia is a central site for German companies in Spain.
Engaged in trade throughout Spain, they do not want to see their
business possibilities limited to one region and Barcelona's secession
from Madrid could possibly prove an obstacle. According to German
government advisors, on the other hand, these problems could be solved.
Some economists contend that the EU's currency, the Euro, can, in the
long run, only be maintained within a uniform economic area. This would
exclude Spain, but include a seceded Catalonia, the strongest economic
zone on the Iberian Peninsular.
The Election as a Referendum
Artur Mas, Prime Minister of Spain's autonomous
community of Catalonia, declared Catalonia's September 27, regional
elections to be an unofficial plebiscite on the province's secession
from Spain. "This date will go down in the history of Catalonia,"
predicted Mas at the beginning of the week, referring to the voting.
This will far surpass an ordinary election, because the unified slate
comprised of Mas' governing Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya (CDC)
and the leftwing Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) have sworn to
declare Catalonia's unilateral independence from Spain, within eight
months, should they receive more than 50 percent of the votes. In the
Catalan establishment, this commitment is rather controversial, causing a
rearrangement in the spectrum of political parties. The Christian
democratic Unió Democràtica de Catalunya (UDC), which had been a
long-standing alliance partner with the CDC, has now left this
Convergència i Unió (CiU) alliance, because it is opposed to unilateral
secession. Recent polls show the unified slate slightly lagging behind.
However, given the support of prominent personalities - such as the
soccer star, Pep Guardiola (currently with Bayern München) - it would
not be surprising if they successfully bypass their rivals.
A Feast for Separatists
The German establishment has been sending mixed
signals recently in response to Catalonia's planned secession. In the
past, the Federal Republic of Germany has systematically promoted
Catalan separatism. For example, Catalonia was received as "guest of
honor" - unprecedented for a region - at the Frankfurt Book Fair in
2007, a symbolically highly effective gesture, and a feast for
secessionists. (german-foreign-policy.com reported.[1]) Two years ago,
the German Chancellery-financed Institute for International and Security
Affairs (SWP) publicly put into question Spain's territorial integrity.
According to the SWP paper, the EU could "reach the point, where a
negotiated separation is more preferable than a situation of permanent
instability."[2] Last year the German Council on Foreign Relations
(DGAP) seconded this opinion in a brief analysis. Even if Catalonia's
secession could engender problems, this does not mean that the region
"should forever remain a part of Spain," according to the DGAP analysis.
Madrid "should work toward an agreement" that "accommodates the new
state."[3] Support for secessionists corresponds to an old German
foreign policy tradition of seeking to weaken potential rival nations,
even without hesitating to use ethnic chauvinism to destroy their
territorial cohesion.[4]
Spain's Economic Powerhouse
However, last year contrary views were also being
heard. This is because of Catalonia's economic significance. The Region
makes up only 6.3 percent of Spain's territory and a mere 16.1 percent
of Spain's population, however it accounts for 19 percent of the
country's GDP, and 26 percent of its exports. Germany imports 11.5
percent of Catalonia's exports and supplies 17.3 percent of its imports,
becoming thereby, the most important trade partner and primary supplier
of the region. Altogether, about 5,600 foreign companies have invested
in Catalonia, which amounts to around 25 percent of all foreign direct
investments in Spain. 18 percent of these are from Germany and France,
who share first place, even though Germany has a slight lead.[5]
Catalonia, Spain's economic powerhouse, maintains particularly strong
economic ties to Germany. This is also due to the cooperation program
"Four Motors for Europe." Established in 1988 on the initiative of
Germany's state of Baden Wurttemberg, it has intensified economic
cooperation. Four economically prosperous regions of four EU member
countries are cooperating in this program - alongside Baden Wurttemberg,
Rhone-Alpes (France), the Lombardy (Italy) and Catalonia.[6]
Spain's Market
Therefore, in Spain, Catalonia has a particular
significance for German enterprises, also because it is part of the
Spanish market. German companies "came to Catalonia for a market of 40
million Spaniards, not merely for the seven million Catalans," Andrés
Gómez, Chair of the Barcelona-based Circle of German-Speaking Executives
(kdf) was quoted saying at the beginning of 2014.[7] Kdf members are
executives in Spain from business, politics and culture, including a
Thyssen manager, a former German ambassador to Spain and a staff member
of the Fundación Bertelsmann. In early 2014, predominantly German
initiators had also published a "Barcelona Declaration" explicitly
warning against the "devastating consequences" of secession. If the
region secedes from Spain, it will no longer be an EU member, will no
longer be able to trade freely with EU member nations and may be forced
to give up the Euro, according to reasoning behind this admonition. The
declaration's signers included Gerhard Esser, former Thyssen manager and
Erwin Rauhe, Vice President of BASF-Spain.
Competition in Economic Policy
Government advisors see these difficulties as
resolvable. Following secession, it simply must be attempted, using
flexible means, "to, at least, avoid the formation of impermeable
borders, for example for freight traffic or the four freedoms of the
[EU's] Single Market," according to an analysis published by the SWP.
The question whether Catalonia may continue to use the Euro, should also
be flexibly approached.[8] Economists are adding more arguments in
favor of secession. Secession would reinforce "the competition in
economic policy" and should therefore be supported, explained, last
fall, Roland Vaubel, professor of economics in Mannheim and a member of
the German Ministry of the Economy's Academic Advisory Board. Besides,
"today's European nations," are simply "the results of centuries and
millennia of despotism and force," Vaubel continues, "the right of
secession" is therefore " ultimately necessary to establish political
units corresponding to the citizens' wishes."[9]
A Uniform Economic Culture
Alongside Vaubel, the economic historian, Werner
Abelshauser, proposes a concept depicting Germany's long-term advantages
from Catalonia's secession. Abelshauser declared that in Central
Europe, there is "a relatively uniform economic culture." "For
centuries, from Scandinavia to Northern Italy and from the Seine to the
Oder, it has evolved through concentrated markets." This "economic
culture" has been sustainably characterized by "the way of thinking and
acting, the rules of the game and types of organization, constituting
the social system of production." For example, their "working relations"
are "cooperative," whereas elsewhere - particularly in Southern Europe -
they are "conflict oriented." In times of crisis, this creates problems
with a common currency.[10] Abelshauser is, therefore, in favor of
maintaining only those EU regions within the common currency, that show
evidence of "a relatively uniform economic culture." As the "Four Motors
for Europe" demonstrate, along with Northern Italy (Lombardy),
Catalonia could possibly join such a currency region - under the
condition, it is no longer part of Spain.
For more information on this topic: Language Struggle, Ethnic Europe, The German Ethnic Model (IV), Borderland Networks, and The Federal State - A Loss-Making Business (II).
[1] See Language Struggle and Ethnic Europe.
[2] Kai-Olaf Lang: Katalonien auf dem Weg in die Unabhängigkeit? Der Schlüssel liegt in Madrid. SWP-Aktuell 50, August 2013.
[3] Cale Salih: Catalonia's Separatist Swell. DGAPkompakt No 12, October 2014.
[4] See Minderheitenrechte, Der Zentralstaat als Minusgeschäft and Hintergrundbericht: Die Föderalistische Union Europäischer Volksgruppen.
[5] Katalonien zeigt sich dynamisch und generiert einen Mehrwert für die europäische Wirtschaft. www.cataloniavotes.eu 14.05.2014.
[6] See The Federal State - A Loss-Making Business (II).
[7] Karin Finkenzeller: Der Preis der Freiheit. www.zeit.de 16.06.2014.
[8] Susanne Gratius, Kai-Olaf Lang: Das katalanische Labyrinth. SWP-Aktuell 5, Januar 2015.
[9] Roland Vaubel: Katalonien und das Recht auf Sezession. www.anc-deutschland.cat Oktober 2014. Regarding Vaubel see Brüche im Establishment (II).
[10] Werner Abelshauser: Politische Union bedroht deutsche Wirtschaftsinteressen. www.cicero.de 22.07.2012. "Bruchstellen auch mit Milliarden nicht zu kitten". Westfalen-Blatt 14.07.2012. See Wirtschaftskulturen.
[2] Kai-Olaf Lang: Katalonien auf dem Weg in die Unabhängigkeit? Der Schlüssel liegt in Madrid. SWP-Aktuell 50, August 2013.
[3] Cale Salih: Catalonia's Separatist Swell. DGAPkompakt No 12, October 2014.
[4] See Minderheitenrechte, Der Zentralstaat als Minusgeschäft and Hintergrundbericht: Die Föderalistische Union Europäischer Volksgruppen.
[5] Katalonien zeigt sich dynamisch und generiert einen Mehrwert für die europäische Wirtschaft. www.cataloniavotes.eu 14.05.2014.
[6] See The Federal State - A Loss-Making Business (II).
[7] Karin Finkenzeller: Der Preis der Freiheit. www.zeit.de 16.06.2014.
[8] Susanne Gratius, Kai-Olaf Lang: Das katalanische Labyrinth. SWP-Aktuell 5, Januar 2015.
[9] Roland Vaubel: Katalonien und das Recht auf Sezession. www.anc-deutschland.cat Oktober 2014. Regarding Vaubel see Brüche im Establishment (II).
[10] Werner Abelshauser: Politische Union bedroht deutsche Wirtschaftsinteressen. www.cicero.de 22.07.2012. "Bruchstellen auch mit Milliarden nicht zu kitten". Westfalen-Blatt 14.07.2012. See Wirtschaftskulturen.
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