dilluns, 19 d’octubre del 2015
Spanish Government Threatens to Suspend Catalonia Autonomous Status, by Help Catalonia
Spanish Justice Ministersaid that alongside the constitution, the central Spanish government has several legislative instruments to prevent Catalonia, the autonomous region, from secession, including the use of the Spanish Constitutional Court. The Spanish government is looking into the possibility of suspending Catalonia's autonomous status if the region continues it's popular movement toward independence, Spanish Justice Minister Rafael Catala announced Friday.
According to article 155 of the Spanish constitution, an autonomous community can be forced to submit to the central government if the community's actions are judged by the central government as being a threat to national interests. "If the moment comes, we will apply it [article 155]," Catala said in an interview with Onda Cero radio station.
The minister said that, alongside the constitution, the central government has several legislative instruments to prevent the autonomous region from secession, including the use of the Spanish Constitutional Court. Spanish government speaker, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, also threated the Catalan self-government if Catalonia's people continue to ask for democracy to solve the political question between Catalan people and Spain. Uglyn days for freedom, once again.
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Rosa Mary
autonomia catalana
Procés Català

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Vienen elecciones, puede fragmentarse el voto sin mayorías absolutas y pueden sacar y poner leyes, lo que no lograrán nunca es que les temamos por una acción democrática que ellos no impidieron. Que se castiguen ellos, sería lo justo. No podrán con más de 2000.000 de personas que quieren LA REPÚBLICA, sabremos esperar, porque ayuda de nadie no la vamos a tener, pese a que se trata de un flagrante golpe dictatorial, contra la mas pura democracia.
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