divendres, 11 d’octubre del 2013

Spanish Police Union Call to Participate in Anti-Independence Rally . By Help Catalonia

Can you imagine your country's police calling for participation in a political demonstration? Can you imagine those who have the monopoly of violence abandoning neutrality to defend a radical position? This is happening now in Catalonia. Collusion of parts of the Spanish police force with political ideologies has often been denounced, but the case of Spanish police goes beyond anything seen before in democratic Europe.
The Unified Police Union (SUP) press release has called for participation in the rally against Catalonia's independence that is to take place in Barcelona on Saturday, October 12th. The SUP is the largest union in the Spanish police. The Spanish police, together with the army, have the monopoly of violence in Catalonia. If anyone believes that the independence process in Catalonia, without international mediation, will end without violence is wrong. However, threat of violence is only used by one side.
It's in your hands to prevent the use of violence against the Catalan people by the Spanish armed forces. They already have the weapons and it seems that nobody is going to stop them. Help Catalonia.