divendres, 4 d’octubre del 2013

Ramon Tremosa envia els vídeos amb declaracions feixistes a tot el Parlament Europeu


Dear colleagues,
I would like to share with you two videos on very recent events happening in Spain.

In the first video, you'll see an attack by a Spanish legal Fascist Group against the Catalan Delegation in Madrid on the 11th of September (National Day of Catalonia). One MP was injured as well as representatives of European diplomacy by tear gas. This violent agression happened the same day that 1.6 million people hold their hands forming a human chain crossing all Catalonia asking peacefully for the right to vote on the independence of Catalonia. The sanction by the Spanish Justice for the involved people was just a fine of 300 euros.
In the second video, from yesterday, you'll find the leader of Alianza Democrática, a legal fascist and nostalgic of Franco Party in Spain, stating in front of Cuatro, one of the most popular Spanish TV channels, that "no part of Spain will separate without blood being spilled". The comments were very clearly directed to Catalan citizens who want to decide on the creation of a new European State peacefully through a vote in a referendum.
After 24 hours from the broadcasting of this video, the Spanish Government has not yet officially reacted and condemned this facts. The absence of political reaction legitimizes violent radicals like him who put a threat on democratic movements.
On the 12th of October, groups linked to fascist political parties will burn Catalan flags in Barcelona and will demonstrate for the Unity of Spain. Violent reactions of these people are expected.
Kind regards,
Ramon Tremosa i Balcells
Catalan ALDE MEP
