dijous, 22 d’agost del 2013

Catalans in Tokyo join push for liberty : Human Chain on Sunday . By Help Catalonia

Catalonia's national day is held on 11 September, the anniversary of Barcelona's occupation by Spanish troops in 1714. Last year a massive demonstration took place in Barcelona, showing the world that Catalans want to vote in a referendum to regain their sovereignty. This year a human chain will take place. The inspiration comes from the Baltic countries, which held one in 1989 and regained their independence one day later. Catalans living all over the world are also organizing human chains in their cities. In Tokyo it is this Sunday, and the message is: "Join the Catalan Way with Tokyo resident Catalans, this Sunday, August 25th, from 3:30pm in front of Sensoji Temple, Asakusa, Tokyo. Together we'll make history."

Many things link Japan to Catalonia, from the arts to the work ethic, with Catalans always having admired Japan. If you believe in freedom, come and join Catalans on Sunday: Help us make history.


3 comentaris :

Anònim ha dit...

we belive and we can freedom for catalonia

Anònim ha dit...

gràciesssss japan

Rosa Mary ha dit...

Thank you very much Japan