divendres, 24 de maig del 2013

HELP CATALONIA : Discrimination of the Catalan Language in the early XX

The paper by bishop Josep Morgades about the need to perform the catechism and preaching in Catalan creates a huge controversy in the Spanish government, on Madrid’s newspapers, and with the Secretary of State of the Pope, Mariano Rampolla.

Royal decree by Romanones imposing the teaching of catechism in Spanish.
December 15 Menéndez Pidal publishes the article Bilingual Catalonia in the newspaper El Imparcial de Madrid, where he defends Romanones’s decree by saying, for example, that “the Catalan Parliament never defined Catalan as the official language.”
The Floral Games of Barcelona are banned by military intervention. They are banned in Palma (Mallorca) as well.

The law that regulates the functions and workings of notary publics specifically bans the use of Catalan.

Legislation passed forcing the use of Spanish in education.

General Lossada is designated Temporary President of the Commonwealth of Catalonia and introduces a law that forces teaching in Spanish in Catalan schools.

The Floral Games of Barcelona have to be held in Toulouse because of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera.
Antoni Gaudí, aged 72, is arrested and beat because he refuses to speak in Spanish to the police.
1924 Royal decree in Spain, whereby teachers who teach in Catalan will be fined.

Royal decree affecting whoever refuses to speak Spanish. Royal decree by which teaching in Catalan would be punished by transferring the teacher to another location.