dimarts, 26 de març del 2013

Help Catalonia : Oriol Junqueras Denounces Spain's Dirty Tactics

The opposition leader at Catalonia’s Parliament, Oriol Junqueras, warned that the democratic process towards independence is under Spanish political threat. “They have been threatening us for centuries, at all times, haven’t they? Only people with great power, a few ones, do not want us to succeed; but we are so many people who maybe don’t have so much power, just the kind of power acquired through democratic elections, and we want to carry it on,” he said in an interview on TV channel 3/24. So, he thinks it is not a fortuitous thing that all the presumed corruption and spying affairs from long ago are being revealed right now, when the so called national transition has begun.
“They are just trying to spread crap around,” he asserted.

How is it possible that all this information, resulting from investigations held some years ago, is being brought into the spotlight just now? Why now, why all of a sudden? He added, “we cannot waste our time with this, we should be worried instead about those companies that are really in trouble and about the people who are losing their jobs.”