dissabte, 1 de juny del 2013

HELP CATALONIA : The Ziani affair - From integration to deportation

Just a few days after the Spanish government gave tribute to the fascist soldiers of the Blue Division (Spanish volunteers who fought alongside Nazi Germany during the Second World War under the command of Hitler), the Spanish police carried out the extradition order of Nouredinne Ziani, a citizen of Moroccan nationality who has been resident in Catalonia for 14 years. For what reason? He is accused of supporting radical Salafism in Spain.
Without any kind of trial or evidence, not even the possibility that the lawyer can defend him, the CNI (Spanish intelligence agency) carried on the decision against all the rights that grant justice to all the citizens.
This case not only confirms the fact that for Spain, immigrants are second-class citizens, but it is also a warning to all immigrants who sympathize with the process of independence.
In its crusade against the Catalan process, the machinery of the Spanish State is operating at full capacity and foul play is the basic technique as it was in the darkest moments of the dictatorships, and the techniques used during the Inquisition are evident as well.
Mr. Ziani is the Director of the Espai Catalanomarroquí (Catalan-Moroccan association), an organization linked to the Foundation of the New Catalans headed by Àngel Colom of CDC (Artur Mas’ party), which works for the integration of immigrants in Catalonia. According to Àngel Colom, Ziani is, on the contrary, a person who has been opposed to the radical Salafi movement and he has always worked to integrate Islamic and Catalan values in a peaceful and respectful manner.
For the time being, it has not been possible to locate Mr. Ziani and his lawyer now regrets not having had the slightest chance of defending him against these accusations.
Tayssir Azouz