dilluns, 6 de maig del 2013

Help Catalonia: The Dirty War against Catalonia

Help Catalonia: The Dirty War against Catalonia: TELEMADRID, the public news station owned by the region of Madrid, governed by exactly the same ‘People’s Party’ (PP) of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, which disappoints people all over Spain on a daily basis, broadcast last Tuesday (04/30) a news item (Zoom, within the Daily News program), in which the members of the Catalan Parliament who defend the right of self-determination were insulted as 'nationalists,' thus comparing their democratic claim with Stalinism first and with National Socialism in the following sentence. Catalan and Basque politicians, democratically elected, are accused of perversely misusing the language and are shown with no hesitation alongside images of Stalin and Hitler right before Artur Mas (CiU, Prime Minister of Catalonia), Oriol Jonqueras (ERC, Head of the Opposition in Parliament) and Alfred Bosch (also ERC) are shown on screen.

Please watch the first 30 seconds of the program with English subtitles. The full video can be seen (without subtitles) directly on TELEMADRID's image archive: http://www.telemadrid.es/programas/zo...
